Your Radiant Health is our Goal

Nothing makes me happier than being able to really help my patients have a healthier smile

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The Interview

Kyle, Naomi, Lana, Saba

Uff , what a joy was to treat this beautiful, spiritual and talented family.

Kyle Coursey is an Hapa lomi practitioner. A whaaattt?  There are no words to describe it, but suffice it to say, Imagine a deep healing massage therapy that on average last ¡8 hours! Yes, you read that right, 8 hours. It goes behond any massage. Know more about him 

Lana Shay is an ”upgraded version of the matrix” on Sexuality coaching. Sensual embodiment and freedom to express yourself in the tantric arts is what she embodies, with a beautiful approch to empower women.                 

Find more about her The Pure Way

Darius Fisher

I had the fortune of meeting Darius, an amazing Filmmaker, that produced (among others) “Kiss The ground” a eye opening documentary that everyone should watch and share, and I heard that he is working on a new proyect.

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Darius Fisher
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Sandy Strength

Sandra Strength

Meeting this beautiful women inspired me to strengthen my believe in love and marriege. Thanks Sandy

Frank Romano

One of the perks of my profession, is meeting wonderful people like Mr. Frank, who  is such a Nice Man of the world

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Frank Romano
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Kelly Dumont & Israel Preciado

Preciado Family

Olivia is one of the most sweet girls I’ve met, as long as I’m not working, LOL, Treating Olivia was a challenge , but we manage to help some how

Paul Johnson

Meeting Paul was very interensting,  I found out that he is an Herbalist, wow, it is such a needed and profound service that every one should have access to. You can sense his calm energy and kindness towards life when you are around him, which tells you he really practices what he preaches.  If you are close to Oregon you should look for him.

Paul Johnson

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Paul Johnson
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Mr. Strength

Ronald Strength

Mr.  Ron is such a nice guy to be around, always finding a way to make the moment more plasent.

Nancy & Miachel Breneman

Dr Michael and Nancy Breneman are a beautiful family that run their Chiropractic Clinic in Marysville, Washington, it was so deligthful meeting them and having the honor to serve, they are so centered and warm-hearted


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Nancy + Michael

Lian Alexander

This sweet and loving beautiful boy melts my heart every time, I started treating him when he was 3 years old and he is so brave and easy to get along with, definitely one of my favorite patients and amazing model that helped me without knowing.

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Karina Moreno

Karina Moreno

The Super Mom, Model, photographer , webdesigner and more. Thanks for all the help.

You can find out more at    Moon2Desing 


Georgina Kuzyk

A sweet Canadia woman who always want to help everyone


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Sam Lyons

It was so nice and interesting meeting Sam, and he is so patient, it was a bit hard to get his work to look perfect, but we finally did it and it was worth the wait. Thanks Sam.

Sam´s family has a beautiful and interesting story related with an inspiration for one of the charaters in Charlie Brown´s cartoons 

Susan Bergg

This is Susan, she is an outgoing happy person that its so nice to be around


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George Moore

George Moore

Thank You! You Help me Love my Job

Thanks again to every one, I appreciate your kind words towards my work !